BMC64 | BMC128 | BMVIC20 | BMPLUS4 | BMPLUS4EMU (Pi3)| BMPETNOTE: BMC128 is now bundled with BMC64 v3.0+Download the universal image from the BMC64 main page.BMC128 is a bare metal C128 Emulator (using VICE) for the Raspberry Pi (Models 2 & 3). There is no bloated O/S to boot and the emulator has direct access to hardware resulting in better performance than the Linux based distributions. VICE dependencies are satisfied using circle-stdlib. BMC128 has been updated to support the VDC.
Also, BMC128 will let you take advantage of TURBO mode in Super Mario Brothers 64. BMC64/128 supports POT X USB gamepad mapping so the 2nd joystick button will work to jump! BMC128 Setup
© 2019 Randy Rossi (randyrossi at gmail
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